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Source:  http://www.juicejunkiejournal.com/juicing-for-hair-loss/

It was my father in law who intrigued me to write this article, juicing for hair loss.  His hair has been getting thinner and thinner ever since I have known him. His silver hair has slowly been dropping out causing him to have a shiny patch of scalpe showing through commonly known as a bald pate.  Non the less, in this balding time of his life, he was not outwardly bothered about it.

Juicing For Hair LossAmazed and joyful he rang up one day to say that he was growing new hair. Lots of new healthy, not grey, but black hair, the sort he had in his youth before he started to go grey.  Now I thought this very interesting as the only thing he was doing differently was juicing once a day!  He had not gone about his juicing with the aim of hair regain, only to benefit from its overall life giving power.  The time he had been juicing for was about 8 months or so.

You can see from the picture the black hair growth. This was not there before he started to juice.

Hair loss can happen for several reasons just the onset of ageing which is probably the most the prolific but bad diet, stress, lack of sleep, illness, trauma and genetics are other causes that can lead to hair loss. Both men and women are both susceptible.

I wanted to find the facts behind hair loss and find the appropriate juices to combat it through diet.

As we know juicing is great for overall health, vitality and fitness.  So I was surprised to find that some people who had been on juice fasts had experienced hair loss to some degree. Getting to the root of the matter I learnt that if the bodies overall state is acidic (which is not favourable for good health) then when a juice fast is started the body rids itself of toxins and excess proteins that it does not need. Not every one that does a juice fast experiences this but it should be noted here that soon after the body has gained its correct state i.e.  it becomes alkaline again the hair growth does come back.

Most people that do a juice fast see remarkable results from thickening of the hair and better growth.  So if you are experiencing this short term hair loss from juicing, its your body clearing itself out and starting again… so keep going it should be worth it as your healing yourself from the inside out

Some juicing ingredients would be ones that ideally contain sources of vitamins B, C,E,

Essential for health and hair growth: Vitamin B complex’s such as leafy greens and green vegetables.  . They can be found in whole grains, potatoes, bananas, lentils, chili peppers, beans, brewers yeast and molasses.

Vitamin C, You probably think citrus fruits, oranges, lemons, limes etc.  Vegetables are rich in vitamin C. It can improve your circulation to the scalpe.  Juice broccoli, green pepper parlsely and of course lemons, limes, grapefruit etc

For hair health and enhanced hair growth vitamin E is required.   Greens that contain vitamin E include spinach, collards, mustard greens, swiss chard and turnip greens.  It is also found in eggs, nuts and seeds.

Juicing For Hairloss

My research for the best recipe’s for juicing for hair loss led me to find Chemo Hair Loss Juice Recipe by Pura Vida Pantry on Facebook. Touched by her story and knowing how traumatic Chemo is, I thought this recipe apt. I am in no doubt know it is there to be shared for the benefit of all mankind.

 Juicing For Hair Loss

“Hair-thickening Juice:

1 Cup Sprouts (alfa-alfa is a good choice but any sprouts will do)

1 Cabbage Leaves or 2 Brussel Sprouts

1 Cup Broccoli Florets

1 (Medium) Carrot

2 Slices Red Onion

1 Medium Beet & Beet Greens

1/2-1 Clove Garlic (optional, but good!)

If you need to sweeten this, add a couple slices of watermelon.

If you still don’t love it, add a couple apples until it tastes perfect!  Apples are fabulous for your skin as well.  That never hurts!

~~cabbage/broccoli/brussel sprouts/onion/garlic are all high in organic sulphur, which stimulates growth of healthy hair~~

~~carrot/broccoli/beets are all high in beta carotene which reduces inflammation in the scalp—to help u grow more hair

~~garlic improves circulation of oxygen rich blood to the scalp, also helping you begin to grow thicken, new hair.”

Other Juicing For Hair Loss Recipe’s

Hair Growth Tonic

  • Hand full dark green cale
  • 4 carrots.
  • 2 apples
  • Half cup of alfalfa sprouts

Great Green Hair Regime

  • 3 large broccoli florets
  • 2-3 green apples, seeded
  • Handfull of spinach.
  • Whole Lime (pith off)

Lean Green Hair Repair

  • 2oz wheat grass/ frozen
  • Half a handful parsley,  hand full coriander (cilantro)
  • 4 carrots Cleaned of greens and skin)
  • 1 stalk celery
  • ½ cup chopped fennel
  • Half an apple, seeded

Handsome Hair

  • Handful parsley
  • Handful spinach
  • 4-5 carrots, greens removed
  • 2 stalks celery


Even onion juice massaged into raw the scalpe helps stimulating the acidity / alkalinity balance of the scalpe. Ginger root Juice also stimulates the scalp from the outside. Like using tea tree extract ( a natural anti septic) you can feel your hair and head tingle with a pleasant sensation.

With either, it is recomemmed to put the juices on your head and massage them into scalp for 5 minutes. Then let your hair dry for 10-15 minutes, then shampoo.  The smell of onion and to a point ginger will leave a smell!  You can overcome this by using leom juice as a conditioner.  It will negate the smell by 85% I am led to believe.

Having seen my father in law gain new black growth to his silver hair within 8 months of juicing is nothing short of a miracle.  Many other people have found that a change from the inside now is better than visiting the doctors and receiving bad news – your going bald…

The evidence here on the internet is amazing to say the least, regarding the benefits of juicing for hair loss.   I will be revising this post very soon before I to go bald.

Happy air growth.

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Mucus Desolving SHREDDED Salad Recipe:

2 Daikon Radish with Leaves
1 Bundle of Dill with the Stems (Neutralizes body odor) – mince finely
2 Oranges

Eliminate Congestion and Mucus with Green JUICE Recipe


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Source:  http://www.regenerateyourlife.org/dvd/greenjuicedetox/

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